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BellaOnline Advertising Philosophy

BellaOnline's Mission Statement reads:
BellaOnline provides an encouraging, supportive publishing community for women. We provide free training, support and promotion so writers may reach their personal and business goals. Overall, BellaOnline aims to provide high-quality, helpful, trustworthy content, at no cost, in a low advertisement environment for our millions of visitors.

Our aim in our advertising is to show quality ads - and as few as humanly possible - to maintain our site operations. We primarily want those ads to be for companies that we feel good in promoting - small mom-and-pop organizations that are bringing quality products to our users. We like to promote books, movies and TV shows that help to encourage, uplift and entertain people. There is enough negativity and discouragement in this world. We want to use our size to help educate people, encourage people and help them reach their goals.

We Refuse all Pop-Up, Pop-Under, Interstitials, etc.
We have very clear instructions to the ad agencies we work with to only show high quality ad types - and only in the top, left and right of every page. These ads make sure that BellaOnline's bills are paid. Any excess ads we have available go to charity organizations, to help them help others. We never want to take advantage of or use our visitors. We show only the ads we need to - and in as non-intrusive a manner as possible. We don't want flashing ads, obnoxious ads, ads for questionable items. We want all ads on our site to reflect our commitment to helping others.

Because of this, the ads we do run are paid attention to. We get some of the highest clickthrough rates in the industry.

BellaOnline Editors Promote What they Know
Our BellaOnline article content area is a completely ad-free zone. That is, a BellaOnline editor has complete control and authorship over her article area. We never "auto highlight" words in her articles to link to commercial websites. Any link you see in a BellaOnline article is one that the editor deliberately chose as being valuable to her visitors. We never put ad cubes in the middle of article content. We never auto-create ad blocks in site articles.

A BellaOnline editor chooses specifically the item or two that she wishes to promote to her visitors, based on her knowledge, experience and testing. If you see an item promoted by a BellaOnline editor, you can have faith that that item is one that her visitors will truly enjoy, because that editor has put her reputation on the line to promote it.

If you are an advertiser and you wish for your product to be featured within a BellaOnline site, then you will need to contact that editor to offer a free product for her to review. Our editors never run press releases or promotions. They give honest, from the heart reviews of items they have used. If you believe in your product enough to see that review, then please contact the editor directly. Click on her name on her site to reach her contact form.

Unmonitored High-Bidder Ads Refused
At BellaOnline, we never run Google random highest-pay-gets-top-listing-regardless-of-quality ads. Those ads would be the antithesis of what BellaOnline is about. In the past when we experimented with those ads, we found that unscrupulous advertisers would bid on key words having nothing to do with their topic - or even worse, being against that topic. A Christianity site would see anti-Christian ads solely because of someone bidding up the price. A breastfeeding site would see ads telling moms not to breastfeed. We do not let the highest bidder get our site. We choose ads based on quality. All ads on our site contain a message that is in tune with the sites we run.

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Designing a Web Ad - A BellaOnline Step by Step Primer!


Rhode Island Greening Apple

Some Heirloom Potatoes

Silhouette Studio Birthday Card


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie

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