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BellaOnline Advertising Introduction

BELLAONLINE.COM is a comprehensive, online network created by women for women.

High Quality Content
BellaOnline editors are hand selected for their passion and authenticity. Our visitors respond to this passion with trust and enthusiasm, sharing in our love for our chosen fields. "The Voice of Women" is our network of members and editors who exchange ideas, offer encouragement, share interests and advice. We are an intentional community. To be featured in our network is to be promoted as a trustworthy vendor.

BellaOnline does not run random ads. We do not run Google high-bidder-wins options. Instead, we hand review every advertiser who comes through our system. We run ads for Disney movies, Hallmark TV specials, Avon cosmetics, Pillsbury rolls and Aussie hair products. Ads seen in our mix are well regarded.

High Quality Ads
While other sites bombard users with ads, causing visitors' eyes to glaze over, at BellaOnline we are very sparing with our ad content. We never run pop-ups, pop-unders or interstitial (between-page) ads. Our ads do not expand or make noise. As a result, the ads we do run are seen by our users as personal recommendations from us. Our visitors remember the ads they see with a positive aspect. BellaOnline's clickthrough rates are well above industry averages.

One Ad = One Promotion
Other sites run multi-text-ads where your message is put right up against the message of your competitors. A person looking into the ad space has to read past your arch enemy's promotion before they get to yours! With BellaOnline, you are the feature. You, and only you. Your ad is completely your own space and presents your message undiluted.

Picture worth a Thousand Words
It is challenging to show how gorgeous your lace dress is, or how delicious your home made fudge is, with static letters. The large sizes of the graphical banner ads let you draw your audience in with the images, and hook them with the catch phrase. Take their breath away!

Large Visitor Base
The BellaOnline website displays over 20 million pageviews to our visitors each month, and we currently have over 400 live topical areas. This traffic is all on ONE site - Our traffic is not spread out amongst disparate websites of varying quality or reputation. Our BellaOnline website is ranked the 2nd largest women's website in the world by:

Our visitors are predominantly female, with most falling into the 25-45 age range.

Extremely Detailed Target Audience
We have a very large audience - and because of the layout of our site, we can target your ads to exactly the group you wish to reach. You choose exactly what topic areas you want to run your ads on, and you can run specific ads on specific topic areas. You can run an ad for wedding cosmetics on our Weddings site, and an ad for honeymoon cruises on our Honeymoon site. Your ad for anniversary floral arrangements can go on the Marriage site. This exact matching of your ads with the target audience creates a perfect pairing and extraordinary results.

Your advertising admin area shows you up-to-the-second results of your campaigns. You can change your advertising on the fly, choosing to try a new mix of ads to optimize your response. Try four ads for the cats site, each with a different breed of cat featured, and see for yourself exactly which one gets the most clicks. Then focus on that one for the optimal click-through rates.

In addition to website ads, we also have a newsletter associated with each site. Our newsletters go out weekly. Our newsletters are extremely well pruned and represent real, interested readers who actively wait for and read each mailing we send to them. We never spam them, so our newsletters are read cover to cover.

Please choose from a link below to read more about our advertising rates and opportunities. If you do not see a group of links below, please check your browser's anti-ad filters. Sometimes anti-ad filters are a little too zealous and block these links. If you have any questions at all, please Contact BellaOnline for more details. You can also Learn More about BellaOnline.

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Designing a Web Ad - A BellaOnline Step by Step Primer!


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National Parks America The Beautiful Senior Pass


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie

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