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Charity Organizations that BellaOnline Supports

BellaOnline is primarily a charity organization. We donate millions of ad views every month to charities, and we provide free training for our editors to help them learn how to become well respected, skillful writers of web content.

Here is a list of the charity groups we currently promote! These groups were chosen by the BellaOnline editor community and the descriptions were written by Lisa Shea, owner of The views are hers :)

Bookmark this page and click on the first seven links every day! Just by doing that one activity you will have made a huge difference in the world. It takes no money! It's free! Your fingers can feed people in minutes!

The Hunger Site
A click every day donates free food to hungry people around the world. If we all clicked daily, imagine how much food could be donated!

The Breast Cancer Site
Same idea, different cause. Help to provide mammograms to women in need!

The Rainforest Site
Yet another site to visit daily! Click each day to help to save the rainforest from destruction.

The Child Health Site
Yes! Visit! Click daily! I love these sites. This one helps keep children healthy!

Animal Shelter Site
Another click daily site! This one provides free food to animal shelters. Adopt a shelter pet!!

Literacy Site
Reading is fundamental! It is critical for people to learn how to read so they can navigate bus schedules, get jobs which pay the rent, and lead a healthy, happy life. Help promote reading in the world!

Free Rice
Not only is this easy but it's fun! Click a few times to test your vocabulary, and donate free rice to hungry people! My research shows it takes about 3,500 grains to feed the average person for "a meal". I am going to test this out further to find out :)

FreeRice Information

Charity Hair Trader
This one takes a little longer but it's for an excellent cause! Just grow your hair out to about 9" or longer. Then contact one of the sites listed and mail your hair in. You can help restore the self esteem of a child or adult who has lost their hair due to disease! It's completely free, and you can make a huge difference in the world.

Charity Hair Trader

I adore Kiva. In essence a small businessperson in a quiet location - say Cambodia - needs a loan to buy more ducks. With Kiva you donate money for that loan, interest free. The businessperson gets the money, buys ducks and is able to better their living condition. They would never be able to get the loan otherwise. You are helping people become better situated, and you get your money back in the end too!

Kiva Information

I love Heifer!! The idea is that you donate a cow to a village. The villager gets milk which they can drink and sell. When the cow has a calf, they give it to another villager. Over time the village becomes self sufficient due to one gift!

Heifer Information

OxFam specifically helps with basic needs in troubled areas such as Darfur. I am a very strong proponent of groups like OxFam to help stabilize regions where people are literally starving to death before help can arrive.

OxFam Information

Red Cross
Whether it's a tsunami, flood or other natural disaster, it's usually the Red Cross who is on the ground first and trying to help.

Red Cross Information

This association helps to speak for the animals. Save cats, dogs, birds and other wildlife from harm.

ASPCA Information

Many girls are being solicited online and dangerous situations result. Make sure you take action if you see any questionable behavior online.

CyberTipLine Information

Southwest Indian Foundation
The Native Amerians in the four corners region of the US (Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona) often have trouble getting by. They have vetoed casinos but have few oportunities to thrive. Through this website you help to support native crafts and allow these people to live with dignity.

Southwest Indian Foundation

ACS Cancer Prevention Study
The American Cancer Society is looking for 500,000 people of all backgrounds, races, shapes and sizes across the United State to participate in a massive cancer study. By tracking these men and women over time, the ACS hopes to learn more about cancer and learn to better prevent it. Join up and become part of the cure!

ACS Cancer Prevention Study webpage

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Directional Stitching

Murder in an Irish Garden Book Review


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie


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