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g Fragrance Site

BellaOnline's Fragrance Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Fragrance Site! These are the top ten articles that your Fragrance Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. The Beauty & Benefits of Sandalwood
The Church uses it for Mass. The perfume industry uses it in blends for men and women. What is it? Read more to find out what we're talking about.

2. How To Develop Your Perfumes Personality
Did you know that perfumes can be a very powerful accessory? Want to learn more? ... Read On

3. The Scented World Of Soaps
In the traditional world of soaps, you'll find what's offered to you on the grocery store shelves. But what if you were introduced to a whole new world of soap made with herbs, oates and spices?

4. Get Radiant Skin and Hair Using Essential Oils
Want healthy and radiant skin and hair? Keep your skin and hair looking healthy with this simple guide to essential oils. Experience the pure essence in your beauty products.

5. The Lure and Mystique of Frankincense and Myrrh
You've heard the story of Frankincense and Myrrh being presented as gifts to the Christ at birth. But, have you ever wondered about Frankincense and Myrrh and how they're used in the perfume industry?

6. Facts and Fallacies about Perfumes
Have you ever wondered why we call a scent, perfume? Has the history of perfume ever peaked your interest? Read the latest article as I discuss the Facts and Fallacies about Perfume

7. The Fragrance Makers
Our sense of smell is precious. Not only does it affect every facet of our lives, it enables us to enjoy fragrance. Hoping to excite and bring pleasure to our sense of smell are 4 new scents that are about to launch.

8. Omg! The Best Essential Oils for Perfume Ever!
Playing with essential oils when making perfume can be very addictive. If you are new to this craft or shopping around for a new perfume, you can easily get overwhelmed and buy every scent that you would find appealing. There are lots of combinations in perfume making, read on to learn more

9. How To Make Solid Perfumes
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to create your own solid perfume?

10. Neroli and Sweet Orange For Exotic Body Creams
The orange tree gives us three different essetnial oils. A few drops added to an unscented body butter, cream or lotion and you will have a wonderfully fragranced body product. Learn more about Neroli and Sweet Orange essential oils ...

Be sure to visit the Fragrance Archives for all the articles!


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g features
How to Make a Solid Perfume for Spring

Spring-Inspired DIY Body Mists & Sprays

Best Essential Oils for Fresh Spring Perfumes

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